Please read for more information on RCIA!
If you're considering becoming Catholic, or a Catholic that never received their First Eucharist and confirmed then the RCIA process (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) might be for you.
What is RCIA?
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is a weekly process that is a spiritual and faith journey which generally lasts about 9 months but can be as long as you need for your journey. The RCIA process introduces adults to the teachings of the Catholic Church, the Bible, and the Sacramental Life. Although specifically designed for those thinking about becoming Catholic, this program is also suited for Catholics wanting to learn more about the teachings of the Church, and for others who are just wondering what the Catholic Church is all about.
RCIA prepares men and women to make a conscious choice whether or not they want receive the sacraments of initiation offered by the Catholic Church (Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation).
We do this in recognition that faith is a lifelong journey, and that many people who have been Catholic their entire lives are now ready to ask new questions as adults. We also welcome people who are already Catholic and want to help on our core team.
What is the time commitment for RCIA?
The RCIA group will meet once a week on Monday nights for sessions to learn about different parts of the Catholic faith, and we will also go to 11 a.m. Mass together on Sundays. This is the primary time commitment, and there may be other commitments depending on what part of the process you’re going through. We recognize that many people have work and family schedules that won’t allow them to be at every meeting. That said, it’s best if you can be at most meetings because each lesson builds on earlier lessons.
What if I’m not sure I want to become Catholic or be Confirmed?
Not a problem! In fact, we’re assuming that this is the case. The initial sessions are designed to answer some basic questions, and give you a feel for what the journey will be like. After the first few classes, we’ll explore the core Christian message while beginning to answer your questions.
If I’m already a Confirmed Catholic, is RCIA right for me?
Many of us stopped learning about our Catholic faith when we received the Sacrament of Confirmation in our early teens. Confirmation was supposed to be the time when we chose the Catholic faith for ourselves at the “age of reason,” but many of us realize that we weren’t really aware enough to say “yes.” It’s not uncommon for us to realize as adults that we want to know more about our faith, and to wrestling with some of the more difficult questions we have. RCIA is an opportunity for you to really explore your faith. It is also a chance to see your faith through the eyes of people exploring it for the first time. Together we’ll help each other grow closer to Jesus Christ.
Making that First Step….
The first step to explore the RCIA process is to schedule an appointment with Miguel Sanchez and together we can see how to best help you to grow closer to Christ, grow in faith, and receive the Sacraments of Initiation. You can make an appointment with me by emailing me at or calling at 713-675-0350.
If I’m already a Catholic, and would like to receive Confirmation, is RCIA right for me?
We have an Adult Confirmation process for Catholics who have already been baptized and received their First Eucharist. The RCIA process might not be the right process for you. Miguel Sanchez would be happy to assist you in your faith journey and helping you to getting confirmed. Contact him at 713-675-0350 or
Is RCIA appropriate for children too?
RCIA (adapted for older children and teens) is provided and follows a school year calendar. It is a two year process, and we begin registration in August and sessions begin soon after on Sunday mornings. Check the bulletin over the summer for registration information.
RCIA Starts: Pending
RCIA Ends: When you are ready.
El Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos (RCIA) es el proceso por lo cual los adultos entran en la Iglesia Católica. Las clases de RCIA se reunen semanalmente. En el transcurso de varios meses, los que asisten a las clases de RCIA son educados en lo que la Iglesia Católica cree y son dados la oportunidad de hacer preguntas sobre estas creencias.
RCIA (Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos)
Adultos que no han sido bautizado. Adultos que fueron bautizados en otra Tradición Cristiana. Católicos bautizados que quieren profundizar el conocimiento de su fe. Estamos emocionados de que estén aquí! Deben ponerse en contacto con Miguel Sanchez - 713-675-0350 o para más información.
Preparación Sacramental para Adultos (1ra Eucaristía & Reconciliación)
Clases para Adultos que necesitan los Sacramentos de 1ra Eucaristía (Comunión) y Reconciliación (Penitencia)-- deben ponerse en contacto con Miguel Sanchez - 713-675-0350 o para más información.
El Sacramento de Confirmación para Adultos
Adultos que han recibido Los Sacramentos de Bautismo, Reconciliación, y Primera Comunión pero todavía necesitan El Sacramento de Confirmación deben ponerse en contacto con Miguel Sanchez - 713-675-0350 o para más información.
RCIA para los Niños (Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Niños)
Niños de edad 7+ que nunca han sido bautizados. Recibirán Los Sacramentos de Bautismo, 1ra Eucaristía, y Confirmación también. Ellos asisten las clases los domingos a las 9-10:30 am. Deben ponerse en contacto con Miguel Sanchez, 713-675-0350 para más información.
Contacto de RCIA:
Miguel Sanchez - 713-675-0350
Ciclo de RCIA Inicio: Pendiente
Ciclo de RCIA Fin: cuando estes listo