Middle School Youth Group will resume the last week of September 2021
Click to join the Middle School Youth Group
Youth Groups are Thursdays at 6:30pm
>>> Virtual Etiquette >>>
- Please join at least 5-10 minutes prior. All participants will be placed in a waiting room until the start of the program, at which time they will be let into the main meeting room. We will start promptly and those who join late will be let in as breaks occur during the zoom/google meeting.
- Rename your username with your first and last name. Since we are taking attendance at our meetings we need to make sure that we know who all is there. If you are unable to change your name put your full name in the chat.
- Everyone joining will have their mics muted, but not their video. Please be aware of your surroundings during the meeting, and try and settle into a place where you can comfortably sit and participate for at least 30-45 minutes. We humbly ask that you have your video on as much as possible in order to make it feel less “virtual” but understand that people are tuning in under different circumstances and that might not be an option.
- Students must be fully and appropriately dressed.
- If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them using the chat during the actual presentation. We will have room for a live Question and Answer session at the end as well, but if something catches your eye during, we don’t want to miss it!
- To ask a question during the live Q&A, please select the hand raise emoji in your video box, as well as mention in the chat your name and that you have a question. Depending on the amount of people in attendance, we want to be able to address as many people as possible during the allotted time, as well as minimize having to talk over each other. The host will continually mute those who aren’t speaking so that everyone can hear as clearly as possible.
- We take Virtual Instruction very seriously, so any inappropriate behavior, language or background activity will result in being kicked out of/banned from the zoom/google room. This will also be instituted for all youth programming, and has a zero tolerance rule in effect. We want to do everything we can to make this process as wholesome and inclusive as possible, while protecting everyone involved. We will talk more about this during the meeting and why this measure is important to us for all Virtual Programming, Youth and Family alike.
Jonathan Alexander